The Longwarry and District History Group Inc. held its first formal meeting in October 2015 as a result of an invitation in the Longwarry Newsletter for interested people to meet together over a coffee in September of the same year.
At this first meeting in October it was decided that we should formally form a committee and incorporate as a group with the usual Office bearers and committee. We currently have a regular committee of 9 and on most occasions one or two extras pop in to give us material and ideas. This is something we encourage as we know that not everyone wants to be on an ongoing Committee and any time people can come with suggestions and items to share is appreciated.
From the outset we knew that many of the people and families that we wanted to connect with, have moved away, Longwarry has a whole new generation of people, who are interested, but new to the district.
The best way to find YOU was electronically. In this digital age, platforms liked Facebook and the Internet would be the best way to get in touch with people, to collect photos and stories to display and to save electronically and for this we needed sponsorship.
So the task was clear, find sponsors establish digital platforms and get our message out to you. In this we have been successful and we can guarantee that we have funding to be able to maintain this for at least two years.
However it is only a “vehicle” to come to you, the ongoing success can only be achieved if you spread the word, find people, photos and stories that we can use, and also preserve for future generations.
Best of all become your family historian, research and write your family history, or if you want you can record it in a radio studio arranged by us, and have it forever on a cd or have it saved digitally with us for future generations of your family to access.
Please don’t think that our website is just about 50 or 100 years ago, what happens today is tomorrow’s history, so no matter how old or how new your stories and photographs are post them now.
Also it is not just individuals we want to connect with. District Clubs and Organisations are welcome to send us material, we will publish it and preserve it for future generations to access and learn about your past.
If you have items that we can use, we do have access to a commercial quality scanner, so we can scan and return documents to you if you wish.
So much has been lost already, let’s not lose it all.