The District Past and Present
- Gibbo’s Garage There must be stories to tell here.
- Clearing W.C.Proctors Farm Labertouche
- Clearing-W.C.Proctors Farm-Labertouche
- Paddling-in-the-Bunyip-River items769572
- Picnic-point-swimming-Carnival-1920s
- Driving In Longwarry 1925. We believe the car driver is Frank Heritage.
- The Freeman Family
- The-Original-Site-Of-Donald-Frasers-Mill-in-1881
- View-from-the-top-of-the-Factory-Chimmney-looking-west-approximately-1925
- Post-Office-early-1900s
- Lwy-Fire-Brigade-1905-fb
- Davis-King-Longwarry-North-courtesy-Mary-Davis
- Shop-on-the-corner-of-Flinders-rd-and-Modella-rd-now-vacant-block-photo-courtesy-Mary-Davis
- Mackey St. 1990’s Courtesy Darren Hodges
- Mackey St. now note the two new shops just visible beside the shop.
- More images of Longwarry now
- A big visitor passes through Longwarry North to the Valley
- Motoring in Longwarry
- Out For A Ride. We now know who they are. Flossie Newman and Elsa Bain at Picnic Point.
- Factory mid 1970’s
- Factory Chimmney c 1925
- Timber Yards Siding C 1900 Courtesy M. McCarthy Collection
- Original Factory building 1921
- Factory c 1930s
- Longwarry Factory Staff 1958
- Lieshout Transport,
- Lieshout Family,
- Lieshout Transport business,
- Factory Courtesy of Mary Davis
- Longwarry-North-Primary-School-1928
- Longwarry-North-School-about-1940-Courtesy-Margaret-and-Dennis-Lennon
- Longwarry-School-1880s-Courtesy-of-Debbie-Trennery
- Longwarry South School-1921. It became Ripplebrook after 1924
- Longwarry School-1921.
- Longwarry-State-School-Grade-4-1953-courtesy-Les-Burns
- Schoolyard-C1918
- The-boys-of-Longwarry-School-1956-Courtesy-of-Russell-Ford
- School 1905
- Grade 3/4 1967 Courtesy Millie McLean
- Longwarry Tennis Club Premiers Year not known-L-to-R-John Eacott-Linda-Sadler-Phyllis-Ford-Unknown-Peter-Johnson-in-front-Unknown
- 1927-Names
- Longwarry Football Club 1950 Premiers. Courtesy Jeanette Oldham.
- Longwarry Sports Committee 1927 Photo Courtesy Lindsay Laurie
Places,Groups and People
- Longwarry-Brownies-mid-60’s
- Longwarry-RSL-1960
- Proposch-Toy-Factory-Float-Back-To-Longwarry-1964-Can-you-name-the-kids-for-us
- Dances at Longwarry go back decades The-Longwarry-Dance-March-1937-Courtesy-Mary-Davis
- Snowy and Beattie Jensz, nee Ford, Courtesy Elizabeth Jensz
- “Snowy” Jensz Courtesy Elizabeth Jensz
- George Bisset Photo Courtesy of Mary Davis
- William (Bill) Proctor 28/4/1868 – 16/8/1963. – Photo Courtesy Lindsay Laurie
- Bill Proctor On Horse Photo Courtesy Lindsay Laurie
- Longwarry Brass Band – Click image to see names.
The Mike McCarthy Collection
- Maiseys-Sardine-Creek-Mill-1905
- 4662-MM-Longwarry-Maisey-Sardine-Creek-Mill-c1905
- 4664-MM-Longwarry-Maisey-Sardine-Creek-mill-men-on-trucks
- Collins-family-wagon-on-the-way-into-Longwarry-1898
- Collins-mill-families
- Collins-mill families-off-to-town